Anda Union Concert – February 2025

We are lucky enough to host another concert by Anda Union. It will sell out fast so please call to book early!

 OPTIONAL viewing of

4.30pm Anda Union Documentary Film 

For those interested in learning more about the background of the band, their
lives, culture and music, this documentary feature film is a rare insight into a
forgotten land on the furthest edges of China. The footage is a celebration of
their culture and reveals how music underpins the fabric of everyday life.

6pm Pre-concert dinner 

7pm ANDA UNION Concert

(1.5 hours with interval)

‘Their haunting harmonies and vibrant strings evoke the endless beauty of the
Mongolian grasslands. Combining bi-tonal throat singing and long song with
horse head fiddles and two stringed lutes they bring this powerful ancient music
to life as never heard before.’

“This is a band we’re sure to be hearing more of!”  Evening Standard

Booking Essential

call Tim & Milla on 01363 82515

or email